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中華傳承 家的溫度
⼤宅是⼀家精緻私房餐廳,踏入⼤宅,賓客即置⾝於⼀處零謐優雅的環境中,感受歷史宅第的韻味。菜單上呈現的都是經過精挑細選的上乘食材,烹飪⼿法更是獨具匠⼼,充滿中華飲食⽂化的豐富內涵。 在⼤宅⽤餐,無論是兩⼩⼝⼦,家庭⽤膳或親朋聚會,溫暖的氛圍與卓越的佳餚均讓賓客賓⾄如歸。每⼀道菜餚都蘊含着代代相傳的正宗⼝味與⼯藝。
Tradition served with the soul of home
Nestled within enchanting Mira Moon, Daai Zaak offers a captivating culinary journey blending ancient Chinese legend with modern home comforts. Whether rediscovering a long-forgotten family favorite or delighting in a folklore-inspired creation, Daai Zaak welcomes you on a transcendent gastronomic odyssey honoring Chinese heritage and the joys of home.
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